Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Slacker in the Hole!

Hi, my name is Levi, and I am... a slacker.

Not because I'm lazy, but because I am, quite simply, disinclined to dream big. I've had enough of positive thinking for big dreams, and all the lovely people who spend their lives chasing the American Dream to the detriment of their souls. They love the rat race, they forget to enjoy the pleasant things in life that aren't big, that don't make lots of money, and that guarantees that I'll never own a house, a 401(k), or have two point five children.

So what does it mean?

It means that while I have the skills to be a veterinary technician (due to having to learn while working in a practice so small that everybody had at least /some/ of those skills), I'll never go to school to get the certification required to be one. I'll never rise to the top. I'll never do any of those things my 'potential' says I can do. And yes, I have a lot of potential I'm not living up to. I admit that freely.

Why? Because, quite simply, I don't want to. There's no reason for me to want to. I mean, really, will I be happier if I'm a veterinarian making six figures and all that? No, I won't be, because I will have lost something far more important to me -- simplicity. Living quietly. Liking the nebulous quality that makes me, me.

I am strongest in the clutch, when things are crazy, I'm that one person who can blithely step in, take hold of the ship, and steer it back on course. I can hold it together when I am alone, and there is no team, no group of people who can't seem to keep their heads when the lead doc is losing it because he can't find a file on his desk he put there two hours ago. My skills are, you might say, strictly geared to maintaining calm discipline when it's needed, and going away when everything's all right. Someone else can take over so I can go back to the kennels and keep the laundry going.

I like that kind of thing, not being a specialist. I like being a dilettante. I like knowing bits about a lot fo things, rather than devoting my time to knowing one singular thing. I get bored, I want to go roaming around. I do not want to invest in upper management. I like blue collar. I'm a loner, a slacker, a person who just can't be bothered with being upwardly mobile.

I like being still just fine. Way back in the back, wearing black velvet, if you please.

But just so you know, what really matters is that I please.

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