Monday, April 12, 2010

Dammit, bwai!

I heart glam. I heart radio. And, surprisingly, I heart Adam Lambert.

Yes, I said it, people. I have been offically bitten by the glamtabulously (no, it isn't a word. But it's my blog and therefore I dictate the dictionary. So there) wicked Adam Lambert. You see, I am a wierd kid. Always have been, always will be. No one in my family would be at all surprised that I like this guy -- or anything remotely similar.

Naturally, I'm sure that there are some Christians about, angrily decrying the lack of wholesomeness of the man, but really, do you not realize that subtle (barring the Epic Fail of the AMAs -- for as much as I love him, that was indeed and Epic Fail in the most hilarious way. I loved it.) wickedness is WHY people like him? He's sexual, and isn't really trying to be anything else.

Fantastic pipes notwithsanding, that is.

Now, he might calm down in a few years, but God knows, I hope not. It's far more entertaining to wonder if he can gyrate like that horizontally as well as vertically.

Hey, Drake, want to let us in on that? No?

Well, just thought I'd ask. Darn.

In closing, in case you're wondering: Yes, my blog is named after 'Down the rabbit Hole' by Adam. Because I don't intend to make much sense here.

So if you're looking for Deep Thoughts(tm), you've got the wrong blog.

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